Ride Like A Girl Weekend Recap from Carley Young

What started as an idea turned into a success story! January 9th and 10th, The Wheel Mill hosted its first Ride Like A Girl...

Tires – Recommended by your favorite riders

If you're in the market for some new tires, and you're not too sure what to get, then this article may be for you....

Spotlight: Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts has more tricks and skill than a lot of riders her age, and she's not even old enough to get her car...

Congratulations Sarah Lampert!

Great news for Sarah Lampert, she writes "Okay so I have two V cool announcements. First I am stoked to announce I will be...

Nowear’s “Bike Like A Girl” Contest – Saturday, June 25, 2016

"Nowear BMX is putting on a female Freestyle contest right here in the midwest with a $1000 PRO PURSE. Plus a Female bike Clinic...

Nikita on VSI

Just announced on the VSI Products Facebook page "Welcome to the team @nikitabmxgirl ! We're super stoked to have you on board. If you...

Natalya Diehm B-roll,Throw-away’s and Instagram mashup

Natalya Diehm B-roll,Throw-away's and Instagram mashup from Ikikyabut on Vimeo. "This is a little edit thrown together while Natalya recovers from a knee reconstruction (Ruptured...