In the bustling streets of Manila, Philippines, 21-year-old Rhea Aldamar has been carving her path in the world of BMX, defying odds and chasing her passion. Her story is one that resonates with countless young riders — a love for bikes that began early, followed by the challenge of saving up for her own bike, and navigating family disapproval. This is Rhea’s interview.

Sponsors: Rd cycles (GT Distributor in PH) Scotty BMX parts Philippines
How did you get into BMX? I fell in love with bikes at a young age. I started to learn how to balance when I was 8 on my own. Way back when I was in Junior Highschool I used to stop by the plaza to see riders performing some tricks, it was really cool to see. One day I asked if I could borrow a bike and since then dedicated myself to learning BMX tricks. Eventually, that’s when I started to change my routine after school and learn to improve my bunny hop day by day. I started to save money to build my own BMX bike and my parents disagreed but I didn’t let them stop me. I just came home with a bike but a week after I brought it home, they told me to sell it. They didn’t allow me to go out with a bike anymore and it’s been stuck there for a year until the pandemic. To make a long story short when I reached 18, I started to live by myself (it’s not common in the Philippines to leave home at 18, but my story among some Filipino children is different). That is how I am dedicated and devoted to BMX, I mean my existence become more meaningful because of it and here I am right now appreciating every progress I made.

What languages do you speak? Filipino / English
Your top three parks?
- Tagaytay Skatepark
- The Manila Streets
- Back Yard Skatepark in Laguna, Philippines.
Top three songs on your playlist?
- Dancing Queen Song by ABBA
- Fearless Song by Taylor Swift
- You’re Gonna Go Far Song by Noah Kahan
Three people who inspire you and why?
- My Eldest Sister – She is my hero and we are so lucky to have her. She’s like our mom and dad when our parents are not with us. She’s the one who raised me and provided everything I needed. She’s the first person who supported me through everything and loved me in so many ways.
- Taylor Swift – Yes, I’m a Swiftie. She’s not just an artist for me but my comfort zone as well. When life gets hard and I feel miserable, her songs bring me peace and put me back on track. It’s like she has a prescription of songs and based on how I feel, they help me restore myself.
- Bethany Hedrick – One of the most fave BMX girls. I admire her so much for her stylish way of riding. She’s my inspiration when it comes to riding BMX.
What is a trend in BMX you want to stop seeing? I don’t have a lot to say about that. Every trend is worth paying attention to and I appreciate everyone who’s being creative and is doing their own content or style. So none of it. I support it as long as it’s for a good cause only.

What do you do when you’re not riding? I work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. I only spend my rest days riding. I have a few hobbies, like singing and reading books. Sometimes if I can’t go out due to bad weather I love sewing and making clothes.
Favourite person to ride or train with? My Boyfriend. Wherever I go he is always with me to make sure I’m safe.
Favourite shoes to ride in? Vans. My dream brand ever since before I started riding.
Best advice given to you? Never be afraid to take risks and “Don’t rush things out”.
Your biggest fear? Losing track of my dreams and hopes.
Your proudest accomplishment? Living independently in a different city and finding a job where I can support my family and ride my bike anytime I want.
Your worst habit? Procrastinating
If you could hire someone to help you in some aspect of your life, what would it be? Train me to become more strong in riding and help me focus.
What is a memorable experience you had that couldn’t have happened without BMX?
- Entering a national competition.
- Vans giving me a care package (biggest wish ever).
- GT bicycles giving me a whole bike (Makes me appreciate my past for the times when I used to borrow a bike just to ride and how I saved my allowance to build my first bike)
Your top three future goals you want to achieve?
- To be a successful businesswoman
- A great BMX rider so I could represent my country.
- Travel with my bike and meet my BMX family all around the world