Flatland for me is a lifestyle. I simply grab the bike, put headphones on and it seems like I’m alone in the world. Every time I ride on the bike I feel free, I forget, I leave it all behind, I focus. Sometimes I can not really be focused because of all the people who stare at me, but then I remember it does not matter. If you practice you will be great and you’ll be used to all those people you admire. Despite not having my own bike, I’m very happy because I’m trying get a bike together and learn it with all my friends who ride too. I feel very safe with them because I found a family to help motivate me a lot in flatland. The phrase that I use myself is that even though people disappoint you, your bike is always there, haha.
Falling also does not matter because if you do not work hard, you will never have fun. Flatland makes me happy and it’s great the the sport exists. It’s sad that so few girls are apart of one of the best sports that exists but you have encourage them, and that’s all you can do!
~ Ara Coronel
Thanks to Nikita Duccaroz for helping with translation!